
Social responsibility

We are aware of our responsibility. Accordingly, our priority is to run a socially responsible company that respects the environment and both human and labour rights. We also expect the same from our suppliers. To ensure that our suppliers comply with our high standards of social responsibility, our main suppliers are Amfori registered companies who abide by the statutory instruments.

Responsibility and Compliance

We operate an ethical and responsible sourcing strategy, with respect for the environment & working rights. In order to comply with our high requirements all of our factories are BSCI audited and comply with this global leading third-party governance.

and FSC® labelling

We are FSC certified: FSC-C164608. Given our desire to develop in the areas of sustainability and social responsibility, collaboration with FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) is a natural choice for us. FSC is an international, non-profit, labelling scheme for wood and paper.  FSC® ensures that in an FSC forest no more wood is felled than the forest can reproduce. FSC also guarantees that flora and fauna are protected and that the people who work in the forest are trained, provided with proper safety equipment and paid decently. By choosing an FSC-certified product, you help to protect the nature and the social conditions in the forests from which the wood comes.

bæredygtighed og

Vi ønsker at udvikle os inden for bæredygtighed og social ansvarlighed, og derfor er et samarbejde med FSC ® (Forest Stewardship Council ®) et naturligt valg for os. FSC er en international non-profit mærkningsordning til træ og papir. FSC ® sikrer, at der i en FSC-skov ikke bliver fældet mere træ, end skoven kan nå at reproducere. Samtidig er FSC en sikkerhed for, at dyr og planteliv bliver beskyttet, og at de mennesker, der arbejder i skoven, er uddannede og får ordenlig sikkerhedsudstyr og løn. Vælger du et FSC-certificeret produkt, er du med til at sikre naturen og de sociale forhold i de skove, som træet kommer fra.

quality control and product safety

Our QC team conduct regular production inspections: from the time the wood is cut to the moment when the finished units are packed in containers/ on vehicles, ready for shipment. To create security in the sales situation, all products are tested in accordance with TÜV and GS.

Get in touch to learn more about a cooperation

Our team of highly qualified employees are ready to give our customers the best service. Dialog and good relations with our customers are essential in order for us to deliver the best solutions.
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