The EU TIMBER REGULATION (Regulation No. 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010) came into effect in March 2013, with the aim of preventing sales of illegal timber and timber products in the EU market.
- Prevent import of illegal timber into EU
- Improve supply of legal timber
- Increase demand for timber from responsibly managed forest
Due diligence systems provide information on the supply of timber products. They are designed to minimise the possibility, that products placed on the EU market contain illegally harvested timber. Suppliers shall provide the following information:
Due diligence systems provide information on the supply of timber products. They are designed to minimise the possibility, that products placed on the EU market contain illegally harvested timber. Suppliers shall provide the following information:
- Description of the type of product and species of the wood used (exact common name and exact botanical name).
- Quantity (expressed in weight).
- Supply chain form (forest – sawmill – production – trader) with full name and address.
- The following documents must be provided:
- Harvesting license forest
- Business license forest
- Transport license from forest to sawmill
- Invoice from forest to sawmill
- Business license sawmill
- Transport license from sawmill to production
- Invoice from sawmill to production
- Export license
- Invoice from production to trader (without prices)
- All suppliers outside Europe must provide EUTR documentation.
- EUTR documentation must be renewed once a year.
- By changes in the supply chain the EUTR documentastion must be renewed.
- It can be very costly if incorrect EUTR documentation are provided.
In addition to EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) our customers random ask global non-profit companies such as TFT, Track Record etc. to help checking timber supply chains, to help bring responsible products to market.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, in case you have questions to the EUTR documentation.